At Bismarck Baptist Church, we are:

Committed to Transformation

Followers of Jesus are invited to create space for God to do His transforming work in us. Consider these basic practices as your “rhythm of life” to help you start or keep growing.
-Engage in self-examining at bedtime. Psalm 139:23-24
- Hear from God in a daily Bible reading plan.
-Watch and listen for promptings to be on mission
-Turn eyes outward and put love into action
-Get up and arrive early enough to prepare your heart and mind.
-Minimize distractions (technology, “to do” lists)
-Engage with others before and after the service
-Live within your means and give generously.
-Get up and arrive early enough to prepare your heart and mind.
-Minimize distractions (technology, “to do” lists)
-Engage with others before and after the service
-Live within your means and give generously.

Called to Mission

Mission is a word that often brings to mind far off places and starving children, but when Jesus commissioned us, when He commanded us to love our neighbors (Mark 12:31) he was describing much more than simply praying for them or handing them a pamphlet on salvation. He was asking us to do more than merely tell someone about him and invite them to church. He was talking about spiritual and physical acts of love that are motivated by the same love we’ve received in Christ.
As a church we can be on mission together in our own homes, neighborhoods, cities, and regions. We don’t have to go overseas or to other cultures to be on mission for God. We can, but we don’t need to.
Our goal here at Bismarck Baptist is to be a church on Mission for Christ by showing his love to those around us. Ways in which we do this are:
Partnering with local schools to mentor and support children and care for and support the faculty and staff.
Partnering with the local Crisis Chaplaincy organization to help our first responders and victims of Crisis.
Providing a gym and other spaces for the community to have a safe and available space to fellowship and commune.
Holding community events for our neighborhood.
Encouraging the members or our congregation to hold events in their neighborhoods such as block parties, small groups, and other forms of fellowship.
Discipling our congregation to reach out to their neighbors and get to know them.

Catalyzed by Love

As stated above, one of the characteristics of being on mission is showing God’s love to those around us.
Often it is not the fact that God merely exists that inspires someone to develop a relationship with Jesus. Instead, it is the Love of Jesus that one has felt through others or through events in one’s own life that is the catalyst.
John 14:15 reads, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” Here at Bismarck Baptist, we don’t rely on theology, doctrine, or a sense of moral responsibility to motivate us to be Christ followers and to do His work. Although all of those things have a place in a church, it is the Love of Christ and love for Him that catalyzes us to follow Him and to love others.
Our hearts are transformed by the love of God. A transformed heart will continue to grow in the Lord as it learns about it’s mission for God, and together those who believe can do great things.